December 14, 2023

Why Choose Navmii Tracker For Your Vehicle Tracking Solutions

Complete Fleet Visibility 24/7

There are lots to consider when deciding which fleet vehicle tracking system to go for. If you want the best of the best, you’ll need modern logistics software that of course, tracks your device but can also offer a lot more than this. That’s where Navmii Tracker comes in.

Navmii Tracker lets you view your vehicle's live location 24/7 from any device. With our ‘easy to install’ tracker and our ‘easy to navigate around’ (no pun intended) app, you’ll be able to quickly assess which vehicles are closest to the job, helping to deal with mission-critical business needs at the touch of a button. 

You can keep track of all routes your vehicle's make. When analysing a journey the route will be displayed on the screen allowing you to set various indications from stops, parking, turns and speedings. The track can be replayed and viewed through google street view showing you an in-depth look at exactly where the vehicle has been. These tracks can even be used to analyse trends, driver behaviour and so much more!

Save Time & Money

To save time automated reports are sent directly to your inbox with the information you require for specific time periods, helping you identify everything from incidents to simple track reports. With highly accurate GPS data you'll know where each vehicle has been, how long it was at a location and even the main areas a vehicle normally stops at. These reports will help you to identify areas to make cost savings for example; more efficient dispatch routes and realise the areas typically prone to congestion. With Navmii Tracker, we will work with you to create reports that are tailored to your specific businesses needs. 

Safer & Eco-Friendly

Help your drivers improve their bad driving habits with our in-depth Eco Driving feature. Our system analyses everything from harsh cornering, acceleration and excessive speeding. With this, we can help promote safer and more economical driving.

Navmii Tracker monitors whether your drivers are adhering to speed limits you can check on a single driver or check your whole fleet. Each trip taken by your drivers is shown as a data block, containing their specific speeding, cornering, braking and harsh acceleration events. The trips are given a rating, you can then relay this information back to your drivers to discuss their road safety and compliance with road regulations and help to spur safer more efficient driving.

Improve Security 

Navmii Tracker’s integrated geofencing allows you to get expected or unexpected vehicle activity alerts sent directly to your phone or desktop. Geofences are used to help you understand and see when vehicles arrive or leave a site, more importantly giving you added security for your fleet alerting you of potential vehicle thefts. Another great use of geofences is setting up alerts for when vehicles are approaching your depot allowing you to get any items ready for the next pick up. 

Increase Productivity 

If you’d like to improve fleet performance and utilisation, keep an eye on when orders are not or visited, track maintenance, MOTs and engine hours and have access to reports for any given time frame, then Navmii Tracker is your go-to fleet management system. 

Request a demo today where you’ll discover the main features of Navmii Tracker and we can go through any specific areas that you’re interested in and show you how they can benefit your business

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